Making the Most of what ya got

In my job, I am fortunate enough to see many parts of the world in a somewhat adventurous way. Through expensive tastes of clientele, the richest of rich and some very large tax write off's from the other half of society. I get to essentially see the world for free taking my career gained skill and expertise while trying to implement this to theoretically make a chief engineers life easier and more so, morph a boat beyond just an ancient fishing tool.

Today I am currently writing this while in seat 34E, outbound from Auckland New Zealand and en route to Falmouth UK via Singapore. I am off again with a colleague to complete another super yacht project like most of my many overseas trips I continually seem to make throughout the year. This time, it's automation changes.

Now this may seem fantastic to the uneducated I guess? Well to me it is just another job, just another trip and another few weeks away from my family. It's time away from my bike, it's time not 3xploring with my 4 year old but most importantly, it's always a harsh reality check.

By reality check I bring reference to what really matters in life. What really grows and fills your mind? If you were home today but gone tomorrow to a country of unknown's and a lifestyle of unknown opportunity what would you miss the most? What would you pine for to take back and do what you thought about yesterday?

For me it's simple. I don't miss opportunities to get out and 3xplore. I don't miss opportunities to do what appeases my mind and calms my soul but I know one thing is for sure. Adventure comes to those who seek. Those who look beyond a simple, daily routine.

Adventure can be defined in many different ways and widely known by many to be the most active, Adrenalin inducing life's edge tasks. To some degree, yes, that's true but in many ways the term adventure is over inflated so, what is the true meaning of adventure?

Is it taking a different way to work some days you've never taken before? Is it taking that left turn up that unknown trail you frequently pass not knowing it's true destination is? Adventure is in the mind. Set it free and enjoy every wrong turn, every new sight and every breath.

My point to all of this is really, don't stand back. Don't ever find yourself wondering of what you want to do or what may have been up that wrong turn. Get out there and do it! you never know, tomorrow may bring you a form of adventure you've never even thought twice about.....